Descripción del producto

Para la DS de Nintendo 2DS 3DS Video Juego de Cartucho de la Consola de la Tarjeta de Mari & Luig Socios en la Lengua inglesa, NOS Compatibilidad de la Versión de Uno de los PCS de envío de la Gota.Si usted necesita las fotos,por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.

  • Nombre De La Marca: Nintendo
  • Nintendo Modelo: Nintendo Dual Screen
  • Compatible Con La Marca/Modelo De: Nintendo
  • Número De Modelo: DSUS-006

SKU: w15458
Loko Mandril
The game really works as the original and it's really well made. The case, the instruction booklet and the card itself is well-made. The time to receive the product was a bit longer than I expected but I received and now I trust the store which was worried to bring me something from my childhood. I recommend this product.
Perfect. It comes with the new game wrapper. Super happy with the purchase.

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